Friday July 13, 2012. It was a day for cleaning here on Oxford Avenue. I live in a one room studio/large converted garage and me and my cat like it tidy: dust & allergen free. The triumphant, galloping bombast of Iron Maiden is a most excellent soundtrack for cleaning day.
Listed here is each album listened to & the activities undertaken/accomplished during the album.
Iron Maiden
- scrub kitchen sink & surrounding area
- scrub kitchen counters
- dust and clean items on counters
- clean fridge of old items
- wipe down fridge surfaces, drawers and shelves
- replace baking soda boxes*
Number of the Beast
- scrub bathroom sink and surface
- scrub toilet surfaces
- dust items on counters bathroom surfaces
- clean floor, corners and baseboard edges
- clean toilet bowl
Piece of Mind
- change bed sheets
- dust & vacuum areas surrounding and under the bed
- dust and straighten desk
- open windows and doors**
- light a clean burning incense (Red Crystal or Nagarjuna Tibetan incense or Juniper Ridge Pinon)
- increase volume of Maiden (to be heard galloping clearly above the Dyson)
- vacuum all carpets
- put all cleaning supplies away
- open a tasty Black Butte Porter, sit back just in time to enjoy “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” in its 13 minutes of epic glory
*Ideally you will have new boxes on hand to accomplish this. This was not the case on this day.
**If you have an indoor cat, as I do, it is now that you enclose him in the only separate area of the place: the bathroom. This also saves him/her from dealing with the dread vacuum.
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