Shakuhachi & Taimu Meditation

Meditation sessions with Cornelius include simple breathing and posture instructions, seated meditation with the sound of the bamboo, zazen (sitting) meditation and tea. Group and individual sessions are available, as well as regular open group sessions in Marin and online conference-style meditation meetings. This is not really what many refer to as “sound healing;” healing might happen, of course, but the roots of this go back in time at least a thousand years, intertwining with Taoism, animism and Zen Buddhism.
Shakuhachi is one of a small handful of instruments in the world that easily bridge the gap between classical and spiritual music, and the only melodic wind instrument with an extensive solo lineage and repertoire. This solo music encompasses the whole spectrum of energy: nature, human, and spiritual, and many listeners understand this immediately upon first hearing the sound of the shakuhachi. Its tone invokes meditation, and it draws you into timeless spaciousness. It demonstrates Life with a capital “L.” It is the hot breath of life, turned into music; a visceral connection to nature, not just a superficial romantic notion of “relaxation” or “nature”. In particular, the lower range, natural bore flutes known as hotchiku, kyotaku or Taimu lend themselves to the cultivation of breath awareness and the effortless arrival at a balanced clarity of consciousness. For the practitioner and the listener, the sounds and songs are catalysts for a state of consciousness.
Mindfulness, concentration, stillness, presence, illumination, insight, wisdom—meditation and its primary fruits go by many names, but they all overlap and equal the practice of pure, unending awareness.
Previous Engagements
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Sanshin Temple Zendo
Chapel of the Chimes, Oakland, CA
First Universalist Unitarian Church SF
Old First Concerts, SF
Trinity Church, Berkeley, CA
Sol Studios Yoga, Fairfax, CA
Gallery Cocoro, Karasuyama, Nagano, Japan
Sekichou An, Tokyo, Japan
The Academy of Performing Arts, Prague
Meridian Gallery, SF
Asian Art Museum, San Francisco
Oakland Art Museum
Berkeley World Music Festival
Switchboard Music Festival
Pacifica Graduate Institute
Berkeley Rose Labyrinth
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
University of Mississippi
Elements of Meditation
Breathwork, Posture
Zen Buddhist nature hymns (honkyoku 本曲)
Original Compositions
Lecture, Q & A
Guidance, Scripture
Outdoor Sessions
“Ekoh” and “Sleeping Dragon” – Forte House August 9, 2014
Berkeley Rose Labyrinth March 9, 2013
The Mysteries of Harmony and Focus
Berkeley Trinity Church, Tamuke 手向, February 14, 2015
Cornelius transported the room when he played and spoke at Spirit Rock’s Community Meditation Hall for a gratitude concert we organized. Many of those who came reported that they were deeply moved by the performance, and experienced a unique meditative and relaxed state of being through the music and awareness of the breath.
I felt the spectacular nature and the universe from your playing and I was able to know a Japan that I haven’t known. I felt the power that clears the human mind in your music.
He’s not just an amazing musician, he’s like a mystic with a tube in his face.
Cornelius’ shakuhachi flute presentation at our summer session was blissful. He brought a meditative space to an intensive week of learning, and I really appreciated his depth of knowledge about his craft. My friends, fellow students, and faculty were all lit up after his concert!
His music hands down the hearts of the Japanese and spirits of Zen. His expressive power is super and unsurpassed. I was deeply moved.
I have never so clearly felt the pure internal power of unamplified sound. Cornelius’ flutes are a revelation of the inner life of breath and an antidote to a world gone mad and breathless.