April 2016, a radio interview on KWMR, West Marin Community Radio, the show is “Pieces of Peace” hosted by Susan Santiago. [the quality is lo-fi due to it being a compressed mp3, so, adjust your expectations accordingly~]

Japan “Bamboo Traveler” trip in October 2016, more photos and videos to come, meanwhile:

HOLY FLUTE  album funding campaign…thank you and it’ll be ready in March!

Sunday September 18, 2016

Solo House Concert in Redwood City, CA
Email me directly for details, especially if you live near the South Bay and desire naked bamboo flute sounds on 9/18.

September 3, 2016

Turquoise Yantra Grotto, San Francisco
Susan Rawcliffe (LA), clay flutes w/ Kevin Corcoran, percussion
+ Cornelius Boots, shakuhachi

August 19, 2016 guest fluting with Faun Fables in Berkeley

August 14, 2016


June 2-6, 2016

Featured Artist at the
International Shakuhachi Festival Prague
“bamboo, castles and alchemy”

– 6 concert appearances

– a workshop, masterclass or two

– private lessons available

– and … one 2.8 fat Taimu for sale!

Screen Shot 2016-05-19 at 2.02.01 PM






June 29, 2015

Sweetwater Music Hall Open Mic Night – DIO Tribute including short speech and twist ending…

May 2015

Sanshin Temple Zendo and Bloomington High School North
Bloomington, Indiana
Solo shakuhachi and Taimu recital/presentations, featuring rock and blues arrangements and Zen nature music.

February 2015

Show Preview before our Valentine’s Day “Heart & Blood” Concert

November 2014

Photos from our great micro-residency at Southern Oregon University with Dr. Bender and Cece Dietlein.

October 2014

Philip Horan’s perceptive review of Mountain Hermit’s Secret Wisdom on the European Shakuhachi Society’s online journal: [scroll down to “Outside of tradition…” section]

September 2014

My favorite rendition yet of Sycamore Trees, from the September recital in Mississippi:

August 9, 2014, 4:00 PM

Mountain Hermit’s Secret Wisdom-CD Release Concert An intimate house concert. “A rock shakuhachi, Buddhist blues, and Zen nature music experience.” $20.00 suggested donation. RSVP required: fortehouse1498@gmail.com (to reserve your seat and for address) Facebook event page: here. Please share. For more information: Mountain Hermits House Concert-flyer (PDF)

April 2014

Success for Mountain Hermit’s Secret Wisdom album funding campaign! Thanks so much for those of you who contributed and supported in any way—the discs are trying really hard to become complete. More soon, and hopefully an album release show. Find the digital album here and here. The 5-movement flute and clarinet/bass clarinet duet commissioned by Crescent Duo is also complete and in the final editing stages: I can’t wait for live performances of this to transpire! The piece is based on a poem by Jeffrey Bean (a poet that the duo picked) that I got to choose called “Encyclopedia of the Wheat.” It is 18 short verses focused on wheat from many creative angles.  My piece took 5 of those verses to inspire each movement and the piece as a whole is called Dream of Wheat.

January 2014

November 2013

11/12/13 received master teaching rank of Shihan from my shakuhachi teacher! Read the blog post about it here.

July 2013 

Now available: clarinet score and tape part for Invisible Orthodoxy

This composition won First Prize in the 2013 International Clarinet Association Composition Competition. The world premiere is happening in Assisi, Italy at the 2013 Clarinet Convention and is being played by Stephan Vermeersch. [July 27, 2013 at the Metastasio Theatre] This is a fun piece to practice, great for clarinet recitals and a great audio track to listen to when you are not playing the piece!  It features and exploits: aggressive and difficult rock riffs, quarter-tone gestures and sincere melodic moments.

Invisible Orthodoxy: clarinet score and tape part

June 2013

A great little movie about a really rewarding film score project I did with Jesse Solomon Clark at Agents del Futuro.

May 2013

This is a triumphant shakuhachi rendition of an extreme metal song by Lamb of God from the May 11, 2013 Berkeley Rose Labyrinth Concert.

January 2013

Brand new digital single, a Zen encore for our post-apocalyptic times:

Free Bird performed on solo shakuhachi

Cornelius Boots: Free Bird

Two new renegade nature music arrangements, performed live in the Fall of 2012