In a Crowded Comb – solo bass clarinet rendition
sheet music purchase (includes 3 bonus audio tracks)

Purchase Notation pdf plus bonus audio tracks emailed directly:

Bonus Audio Tracks include:
1 – In a Crowded Comb, original quartet demo (1996)
2 – In a Crowded Comb, solo live at Ole Miss (2014)
3 – Bass Clarinet Blues Improvisation, solo live at Ole Miss (2014)

For solo bass clarinet (low C).
The first bass clarinet quartet (Edmund Welles) composition ever, this solo rendition has co-existed in a parallel universe all this time, with a new complete notation created in 2022 for Stephan Vermeersch’s performance at the ICA Low Clarinet Festival in 2023.

Played at Ole Miss in 2014 by Cornelius Boots and re-ignited as an official solo repertoire piece January 5, 2023 by Stephan Vermeersch in Glendale, AZ.  This is a classic piece in the chromatic-blues-bass-line riff style of early CB writings, in league with other period tunes such as Hazelnut, Quarkkase Quartet and Quince’s Theme.  It became movement one of the first of many multi-movement bass clarinet quartet suites, in this case, An Apicultural Excursion.